Watch the full Video of Arrogant Lion Moral Story in Stories Of The Forest

Arrogant Lion - English Moral Stories for Kids | 3D Animated Bedtime Story | Stories of the Forest

Watch the full Video of Arrogant Lion Moral Story in Stories Of The Forest

Arrogant Lion - English Moral Stories for Kids | 3D Animated Bedtime Story | Stories of the Forest. #BedtimeStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #kidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #AnimalsStories Today the story about stronger elephant teaches a lesson to Lion. In the magnificent forest, the insects chirped amazingly and the birds sang beautifully, it was a day like any other, the trees moved from side to side like they were dancing to the songs of the birds. Lion woke up one morning, feeling all proud and strong. He gave a mighty roar that scared off all the birds on the trees. "Today is a very good day," Lion said to himself, "I think I'll go around the forest and ask all the animals, who the strongest animal in this forest is.” Lion walked into the forest in the direction of Tortoise's house. "Tortoise come out here!" Lion roared, "I have a tinny bitty question to ask you." Tortoise came out shaking with fear, "I'm here, Lion." "Good, now who is the strongest animal in this forest?" Lion asked. Without thinking too much Tortoise answered back, "It is you Oh great Lion; you are the strongest in this forest." "Are you sure, Tortoise?" "Yes, Lion, you are the strongest of all animals.” Lion heard this and was happy, he then decided to go to Rabbit's burrow. Rabbit's burrow was where Rabbit and his family lived. "Oh Rabbit, come out to play with me, I have a question to ask you," Lion roared. "I cannot come out great Lion, I am afraid of you," Rabbit said with a tiny voice. "Why are you afraid of me, Rabbit?" Lion asked "I'm afraid that if I come out you will eat me." Rabbit answered. "Why would I eat you Rabbit?" Lion asked again. Rabbit answered, "It is because you are the strongest of all animals in this forest." Lion laughed and roared a mighty roar, "you agree that I'm the strongest animal?” "Yes, great Lion, you are the strongest of all the animals." Lion laughed again and went on the way to Pig's sty. Pig's sty was where Pig and his family lived, but only Pig was at home. "Pig, who is the strongest animal in the forest?" Lion asked. "That would be you, great Lion, your roar alone sends all animals running away." Pig honked. Lion laughed and roared, "That is right, Pig. I have to go." "Okay, Lion but before you head back home, why don't you visit Elephant and ask him the same question." Pig told Lion. "Okay, Pig, see you later." Lion ran off to Elephant's house. Unknown to Lion, Elephant was having a really bad day, his trunk ached real bad, and his ears pained him, and he was really hungry. "Hey, Elephant." Lion roared. Lion's roar affected Elephant's ears and made it more painful. "Hey Elephant, I'm talking to you, answer me." Lion roared again. Lion walked directly in front of Elephant and roared, "Who is the strongest animal in the forest?" The trees shook at the force of the roar. Elephant got really angry that Lion was disturbing him, so he picked up Lion with his trunk and threw him into a tree, he then used his big feet to stamp on the Lion repeatedly. "Stop, stop, stop, I'm sorry. If you don't know the answer, you should have just said so." Lion pleaded. Elephant grew tired and went back to his home, leaving Lion there. Pig on his way to the river saw Lion on the floor. "Great and mighty Lion, why are you on the floor?" After telling Pig the story, Pig laughed and rolled on the floor. "It is clear that the Elephant is stronger than you Lion." "I don't believe that, the Elephant just doesn't know the answer to the question I asked." Lion walked home limping. Moral: Don't be too proud, there is always someone better and stronger than you. Thanks for watching Please Like! & Subscribe For more Updates and Videos Subscribe Here By Following Link : Follow On Our Other Social Sites: Pinterest : Mix : Twitter : Fb : Blog : G+:
