The Tug of War English Moral Story for Kids - 3D Animated Bedtime Stories | Stories of the Forest.

The Tug of War English Moral Story for Kids - 3D Animated Bedtime Stories | Stories of the Forest. #BedtimeStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #kidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #AnimalsStories In the kingdom, Pig was known to be a very smart and intelligent animal. All the other animals never underestimated what Pig could do with his intelligence. They usually referred to him as, “the eyes that see even when they are closed.” However, every animal regarded pig as weak. They all believed that Pig was not strong enough to win even Goat in a tug of war. They trusted his intelligence but not in his strength. Pig did not like this opinion and said to himself, “I will change this opinion of the animals concerning me. I will prove to the animals that I am very strong.” The pig was very determined to change the animals’ perspective of his weakness. One day, hippopotamus went to the river to drink water. On another part of the river, Elephant was present drinking water too. Then Pig said to himself, “This is an opportunity to prove to the animals that I am not weak.” Quickly, Pig went to Hippopotamus and said, “Hello Hippo, let us play ‘tug of war.’ If I win, you will tell all the other animals that I am a strong animal. But if I don't, you can keep calling me weak.” Hippopotamus quickly agreed and laughed at Pig. Then he went to Elephant and said the same thing, “Hello Elephant, let us play tug of War. If I win, you will tell all the animals that I am a strong animal. But if I lose, you can keep calling me weak.” Elephant quickly agreed too and laughed at Pig. After they agreed, Pig said to Hippopotamus, “I will tie a rope around your belly and also around my belly. Then we will pull to see who will win.” He said the same thing to Elephant, “I will tie a rope around your belly and also around my belly. Then we will pull to see who will win.” After they agreed, Pig tied a rope around Hippopotamus's belly first, then he tied that same rope around Elephant's belly. He went behind a tree and asked the two animals to pull. Elephant thought that he was competing against Pig. Hippopotamus also thought he was competing against Pig, but they were actually competing against each other. The two animals pulled and pulled with all their strength but they were not able to win the contest. They pulled again harder but none of them won. They felt very disappointed that they could not pull Pig, though Pig knew they were competing against each other while he had fun. The two animals then told Pig, “I never knew you are this strong. I will tell every other animal that Pig is not only witty and intelligent but is also very strong. Moral Lesson: Wit and intelligence are better than strength. Thanks for watching Please Like! & Subscribe For more Updates and Videos Subscribe Here By Following Link : Follow On Our Other Social Sites: Pinterest : Mix : Twitter : Fb : Blog : G+:
